
欢迎访问米乐m6官方入口 官网!距离展会开幕还有:138天 2023年6月24-26日 上海新国际博览中心 English

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米乐m6最新app下载 信息
PADIPATA Interactive Punching Bags have the dual attributes of sports and entertainment, users can interact with punching bags in real time through interactive screen; the punching bag containing the Internet of things chip, it can update the content in any time, update the playing method, and interact with players around the world.
IPB-XL is specially designed for a gym and professional boxing hall. It has a large size and better stability. The sound system and a IPAD inside of it, we can choice the game or the mode in the IPAD screen. At the same time, you can get your training data, such as accuracy, speed, number of hits, hit level, global ranking, etc. You can also scan the code to share with friends on apps. IPB-XL looks like the black Samurai in the Star Wars. We think it will arouse more people’s desire to exercise.
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